The Washington Terrace Civic Association is a community organization embracing diversity and progress.
The Washington Terrace Civic Association fosters a spirit of community cooperation, well being and pride for the residents of Washington Terrace. As a collective body, we are committed to the following:
> promote the general welfare of the residents
> inform residents of neighborhood events and issues
> encourage neighborhood improvement projects
> ensure the safety of the residents by monitoring and cooperating with law enforcement officials
> raise funds for community projects
> encourage social interaction and promote harmony among residents of the community
> encourage residents to participate in local activities and functions.
The Washington Terrace Civic Association is a 501(c)(3) Association of citizens living in a prescribed area in Houston’s Historic Third Ward.
Our vision and mission cannot be completed without you! Community members and Greater Houston stakeholders are welcome to become members of WTCA. The Washington Terrace Civic Association is a 501(c)(3) Association and welcomes donations to support our efforts.

One of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities … places where we know we are not alone
Executive Board
WTCA is led by the five officers as active members of the community.
Visit the Leadership page to see who represents us!
Want to get involved? Become a member? Visit the Membership page for more information!
Our community intersects with city an county civic organizations. The Resource page is a helpful reference!
The Washington Terrace Civic Association (WTCA) is governed by our constitution and by laws. Download your copy today!
Meeting Minutes
Missed a meeting? See the latest by visiting the Meeting Minutes page.
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