Membership is open to Washington Terrace subdivision residents, business owners, and individuals outside the boundary who are over 17 years old and paid annual membership dues.
Members are a core part of the association in making the community better. It’s because of their efforts volunteering their time and voicing their concerns, the association can best represent the improvement, quality, and solidarity of the neighborhood. Please consider becoming a member today.

Membership Fees

Annual individual or business membership fees are due in January of each calendar year. Dues can be paid online here or by check. Please make checks payable to Washington Terrace Civic Association and send to P.O. BOX 8369, Houston, TX 77288-8369.
Individual Membership $25 | Business Membership $50
* Any paid member who misses three consecutive meetings before voting occurs cannot vote.

The Washington Terrace Civic Association (WTCA) is governed by our constitution and by laws. Download your copy today!
Executive Board
Find out who represents you and how to get involved in committees.
Visit the Leadership page.
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